Friends of East Goshen presenting EGTPR Director Jason Lang with a check for over $27,000 towards 2023 community events.

Posted: January 25, 2024
Funding community-sponsored, family-fun activities with tax-deductible contributions
1) Saturday March 16 2024 – Annual EGG HUNT!
2) Saturday, June 29, 2024 from 5pm to dusk – East Goshen COMMUNITY DAY!
3) Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 10am – Annual PUMPKIN FESTIVAL!
4) Saturday, October 12, 2024 Food Truck and Music Festival, 2pm-6pm
5) Saturday, December 7th, 2024 at 6:30pm – Tree Lighting!
The Friends of East Goshen, Inc., (FOEG) was incorporated in 2013. As a non-profit 501C3 corporation, FOEG in recent years has assisted the Township and the Park and Recreation Department by raising funds through individual and business contributions that are tax deductible. This fundraising activity has enabled the Township to hold all of its events at East Goshen Park at no cost to the participants. The Friends is operated and directed by an all-volunteer Board of Directors. Almost all of the money raised and donated is used for the operation of the major Township events. Only costs for marketing materials are taken from these funds. FOEG annually raises more than $35,000 from local contributors. More than 30 percent of individuals and businesses solicited make a contribution.
The Friends of East Goshen will, through the solicitation and acceptance of funds, grants, and other gifts in kind, provide support for the preservation, improvement, and restoration of township parks, recreational facilities, open space, historical resources, and activities. This includes financial support of educational, social, and recreational programs and events designed to improve the quality of life for township residents and the community at large.
The 27th annual Easter Egg Hunt will take place on Saturday, March 16, 2024. There will be more than 10,000 eggs for the children to collect. The Easter Bunny will make his grand entrance courtesy of the Goshen Fire Company. The event will feature Goshen donuts and hot coffee, just right for a cold spring morning. The fun will begin at 10:00 AM. Please have your kids in position for the fun. Check your eggs because you could win big prizes if they have special markings. This event attracts some 1,500 people.
Saturday, June 29, 2024 from 5pm to dusk is the annual Community Day! The highlight of this township’s events calendar culminates in the best fireworks display in Chester County.
Plan to attend the Pumpkin Festival on Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 10:00 AM. This event will feature hay rides, a drawing contest for kids, a family pumpkin carving contest, frozen turkey bowling, a petting zoo, and pony rides. In addition, there will be free pumpkins for the kids, a raffle for the GIANT pumpkin and Farmers’ Market vendors. Be sure to enter the pumpkin pie eating contest. Over 2,500 people attend this event.
Plan to attend the Tree Lighting on Saturday, December 7th, 2024 at 6:30 pm. This event, designed to put the entire family in the spirit of the season, features a visit from Santa, caroling, a dance performance, and the announcement of winners of the house decorating contest and the canned food drive for the West Chester Food Cupboard. The kids will also have an opportunity to visit with Santa.
Learn more at
Contributions received from local residents and businesses support the major events put on by East Goshen Township each year. Donations ensure that these family-focused activities will continue year after year at no cost to the participants. Interested individuals and businesses may donate through monetary contributions or through donations-in-kind, which include property, stock, art or other valuables.
All donations are tax deductible and can also be made on this website through PayPal.
Remember that having fun together is a great way to start a relationship. Attending and supporting these events offer a great way to meet other Township residents and business owners in East Goshen. FOEG plans to expand its marketing activities to attract additional interest from local residents, as well as from area businesses.
Owner and Founder of LevelUp Baseball LLC, a baseball tournament hosting company for ages 8 to 18. Also, employed by the West Chester Area School District as Assistant Baseball Coach for the West Chester East High School. Current Chairman of the East Goshen Township Park and Recreation Commission and current Chairman of the Friends of East Goshen (FOEG), a 501(c) (3) Corporation. 23 years in law enforcement with the Borough of Collingdale Police Dept, 17 of those as a member of the Delaware County Criminal Investigation Division Drug Task Force. Retired as a Detective, earning many awards and accolades, including for heroism and valor. Member of the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 27 and a member of the Saint Simon and Jude Parish. On top of a growing family of five children and 6 grandchildren, Danny also coaches youth baseball, football, basketball, and soccer.
Nancy became a resident of East Goshen Township in 2013, downsizing after spending most of her life in the Borough of West Chester. She is a graduate of Moore College of Art in Philadelphia and was a graphic designer for over 30 years. She retired from her second career in 2013 after 20 years as an Administrative Assistant and Membership Coordinator at the Kennett Square Golf and Country Club where she continues to do the Club newsletter. Nancy joined a walking group in our park in 2017, met Jason, and has made some great new friends. She loves bringing her granddaughter to our amazing playground and looks forward to being part of the Friends of East Goshen and giving back to the community, especially to our wonderful park.
I have been a resident of East Goshen since 2017, but I have lived in West Chester for 19 years. I live with my husband and 2 sons. I currently work for Main Line Health as an RN. My husband works in East Goshen and my sons attend the local elementary school. I am frequently at the park or basketball courts. I am excited to give back to this wonderful community.
Chrissy Atkins is an energetic mother of four boys. She and her family are longtime residents of East Goshen Township. Chrissy enjoys volunteering in the local schools, being outdoors and a good workout class. She looks forward to giving back to the community!
Kate and her husband Jeremy have lived in West Chester for 18 years. They fell in love with East Goshen when they would walk their Dog in the park. They moved to Arizona in 2008/09 but knew when they were moving back with a new baby they wanted to be back in West Chester! They have called East Goshen home since 2015 and have loved all the programs offered for their 3 kids. Kate is excited to give back to this great community.
Alison became a resident of East Goshen in August 2019 after living aboard in Singapore with her family for a few years. She lives with her husband, 2 sons and puppy, Lucy. She currently works for the Office of the Disciplinary Counsel of Pennsylvania. Alison’s sons attend the local elementary school and they absolutely love going to East Goshen Park with their friends and cousins. She’s happy to be a Friend of East Goshen Township!
Ivanna Peck, her husband and twin boys have been residents of East Goshen Township since 2013. She is a graduate of Moore College of Art in Philadelphia. Previously worked for Aramark as the director of Sales and Catering at the Stadiums, Catering Director at Philadelphia Country Club in Gladwyne and as a Real Estate Marketing Director. Her family frequents the park to play, walk and attend events and she is excited for the opportunity to give back to this amazing community.
Timothy Off Heating & Air Conditioning
MacElree Harvey, LTD
Unruh, Turner, Burke & Frees
Master P’s Tae Kwon Do
East Goshen Republican Party
New York Life Insurance
Friends of Dan Truitt
Underground Services, Inc.
Battavio Heating, Plumbing & AC
BB&T Bank, formerly Susquehanna Bank
Applebrook Golf Course
Boot Road Veterinary Clinic
Country Meadow Landscaping
Alliance Environmental Systems
Precision Mechanical Services
Conway Power Equipment
PA Leadership Charter School
IMX Management Services
Swiss Farms
Seltzer & Sons, DDS
Pipe Data View Services
AJ Blosenski, Inc.,
Charles H. MacDonald Electric, Inc.
Applebrook Associates, LP
Del Vecchio Landscape and Garden Center
Hershey’s Mill HOA
UPS Store
Shady Tree, Inc.
Lenni Electric
Pennoni Associates, Inc.
Buckley, Brion, McGuire and Morris LLP
Nicholas & Andrea Perakis